• 1-905-593-1608
  • info@chocolategamesnight.com

Introducing Chocolate Games Night…

CHOCOLATE GAMES NIGHT is an original unique collection of games new, old, and re-invented involving and Powered by Chocolate. A new feature originally created for the Toronto Chocolate Festival, CHOCOLATE GAMES NIGHT is designed as a “Win-Win” event for all participants.

The Ultimate Chocolate Relay Challenge offers contestants an opportunity to collectively win prizes while forming a great team-building experience. This event is a source of hilarious entertainment for the attendees who get to cheer on their favourite teams or individual players to the finish line. The Golden Ticket Wonka Wheel Spin gives all attendees a chance to go home with unique prizes and of course chocolate. The Chocolate Eating Challenge gives interested attendees a chance to be a contestant for a chocolate prize while audiences cheer them on.

All events are social media-friendly. Attendees are encouraged to post photos and videos as they please.

All games were created by entertainment specialist Joey Cee, who has been the producer of the Toronto Chocolate Festival for the past 18 years, publisher of Chocolate Affairs Magazine and Director of the Chocolate in the Cities Network. All Chocolate Games have been presented in the past with overwhelmingly positive results and reviews. Some of the new games are slightly modified and modernized to achieve maximum entertainment value.

The Ultimate Chocolate Relay Challenge
Chocolate Eating Challenge
“Golden Ticket” Wonka Wheel
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